Working with Associate Virtual Assistants Masterclass

£29.00 £29.00

Are you looking to go from “Me to We” in your VA Business?

There are many reasons why you might want to consider bringing Associates into your business.

The primary reason for using associate VAs (the official term is subcontractor) is actually they should form part of your contingency plan, so that you can offer seamless and consistent support to your clients in the event of an emergency or sickness.

However Associates will also allow you to be able to offer services which your clients need, yet you don’t have the skills to carry those tasks out, and also to help you to boost your income.

This Masterclass is free for current VACT clients (both VA Mastery Course and VA Membership) or £29 if you are not yet a client of VACT.

The Masterclass is just over 90 minutes and you will hear the questions that others had about this way to grow a VA business. You will also receive a workbook that helps you build your VA business through the use of associates.